Morocco Swim Trek
The MOROCCO SWIM TREK – Sahara Edition is an international open-water swimming event for amateurs and professional swimmers. The event consists of 6 days immersion in the desert, between ocean and dunes of sand, with 4 heats of swimming, each one different.
The second edition will take place in the lagoon of the city of Dakhla in Morocco, from November, 28th to December, 4th of 2017.
This year, this crazy and roving race totals a distance of 30 kilometres.
Each day, participants will have to swim a different distance over a different stretch of water, from a new starting line.
The swimmers are free to wear wetsuits or not and may use goggles and swim caps. Participants may rub grease on their bodies (Vaseline, lanoline or milking grease) in order to protect themselves from the cold and irritation due to the salt.There will be a different ranking for swimmers with wetsuit and swimmers without wetsuit.
During the competition the swimmers will have to face the elements and will be confronted by natural forces: wind, currents and tides.
This challenge differs from any other swimming pool contest. You win not only because you’re faster than another competitor but also and mainly by completing the course and surpassing your own own performance.
Don’t forget that the real feat is to complete the course, even if that means taking twice as time as another competitor.
Regulations and aim of the competition: the swimmers will start at the same time and will complete the same course. This kind of event is organized on the basis of regulations, mainly governed by the rules of the International Amateur Swimming Federation.
The course will mainly follow a straight line: the swimmers will depart from one point and arrive at another.